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The philosophy of the RRAPID programme is to emphasise timely recognition and rapid response to the acutely ill patient and to equip medical students, junior doctors and all other healthcare professionals with the appropriate skills to manage such patients.  A multidisciplinary team of clinicians, clinical educators and the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) team, LIME have developed the RRAPID eBook and app to provide mobile and interactive resources suitable for this purpose, complimenting the RRAPID teaching programme.



The RRAPID eBook has been developed as a learning tool to assist medical students, junior doctors and all other healthcare professionals in recognising and responding to acute patient illness and deterioration.

It details basic anatomy and physiology, common causes of system dysfunction, clinical presentation, and the immediate recognition of and response to acute patient illness.  The eBook further describes the continuing management of the patient and the principles underlying the prevention of future episodes of patient deterioration.

The eBook includes video demonstrations and photographs to provide visual aids throughout.  It also contains case-studies at the end of each section, multiple choice questions and interactive patient scenarios to enable the reader to test their RRAPID understanding.  Additionally, there is also a case-log feature that allows the trainee to draw together aspects of the ABCDE approach to describe cases they have experienced for future reflection.






The Paediatric RRAPID (pRRAPID) programme builds on the concepts from RRAPID and applies them to a paediatric population.  pRRAPID teaches students how to Recognise and Respond to the acutely ill child.  pRRAPID does not cover how to manage trauma to children. The pRRAPID assessment of the acutely ill child revolves around the traditional ABCDE system based approach. The pRRAPID ebook was launched in September 2016 and is used in a blended learning approach to teaching the pRRAPID programme.